Maharaja Ranjit Singh College
of Professional Sciences, Indore

Affiliated to DAVV Indore & RGPV Bhopal | NAAC Accredited B++(2.99)

Biodiversity Project

People's Biodiversity Register Indore Nagar Nigam

Year of Preparation 2021-2022

Prepared by: Biodiversity Management Committee, Indore
Technically supported by:Maharaja Ranjit Singh College of Professional Sciences, Indore

PI: Dr. Anand Nighojkar
Professor and Principal (Principal Investigator)

COPI: Dr. Mukesh K. Patidar Assistant Professor (Co-Principal Investigator)


People's Biodiversity Register: PBR is a document that inventories the biodiversity of a given locality and people's knowledge that is associated with bio-resources. It is a document that is developed by the people, of their biodiversity and knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Thus, the PBR will have information on availability and knowledge of local biological resources, their medicinal or any other use or any other traditional knowledge associated with them (Madhya Pradesh State Biodiversity Rules, 2004).


  • Conservation of biodiversity
  • Sustainable use of its components and
  • Equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge

Public participation

A people biodiversity register is to be prepared for Indore City - Nagar Nigam area. It shall possess a collection of the details of the important local and region specific biological entities such as plant, animals, birds, fishes, and insectsalong with their commercial values and uses. This will help in detailed evidential collection of locally or regionally specific indigenous varities and shall be a live document permissible for further accommodation of new entries. The PBR for Indore Nagar Nigam region is to be prepared and the contribution of all environmentally responsible people is sought. You can contribute to the greater cause by submitting your observation by clicking a photograph and your knowledge by documenting the properties and features of the plant, animal, bird, insect etc. found locally in your region of the city East, West, North and South along with your name address, phone No. and photograph, All unique submissions will be recognized duly.

Sector wise information to be registered in PBR:

  • Forest Biodiversity – Wild flora, trees, shrubs, herbs, tubers, grasses, climbers, Birds, animals
  • Agrobiodiversity – Crop plants, fodder crops, weeds, fruit plants vegetable plants, birds, Animal husbandry
  • Aquatic Biodiversity – culture fishes, wild fishes, aquatic flora etc.
  • Traditional Knowledge: Traditional knowledge fromusers of forest biodiversity, agro-biodiversity, aquatic biodiversity.
  • Purchasers and sellers of biological resources in Indore

You can submit your entries at or contact
1. Amit Soni Mob No. 7415528727
2. Ashish Mishra Mob No. 8518971616
3. Dr. Mukesh Patidar Mob No. 9826377409

For more information visit websites:
National Biodiversity Authority
MPState Biodiversity Board