Maharaja Ranjit Singh College
of Professional Sciences, Indore

Affiliated to DAVV Indore & RGPV Bhopal | NAAC Accredited B++(2.99)

Code of Ethics for Academic Integrity

All practices regarding academics and research should be conducted with high values of honesty and responsibility. Academic integrity is essential for the success of the Institute and its research missions, and hence, a violation of academic integrity constitutes a serious offence. The researchers conducting research at our institute are suppose to follow all the rules prescribed by our affiliating university Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya.

  • Proper protocols should be followed for experiments and computations.
  • Proper safety measures should be followed by teachers and students while handling the laboratory equipments and reagents.
  • The materials, sites, data etc. should be properly acknowledged.
  • The findings and report submitted are true and produced by permissible methodology.
  • All the contributors in the work are duly acknowleged.
  • Faculty members or supervisors must thoroughly review the manuscripts before submission for publication.
  • Plagiarism should be checked by Urkund software of Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidhyalaya.
  • They should not use others ideas, figures, code or data stating them as their own.
  • They should not copy the verbatim or paraphrase (text/sentences), in whole or part that is authored by another person or published earlier by oneself or from a report, book, thesis, publication.
  • Student must cite the original author while writing some information or matter in your own words which is originally from other source.
  • Students should not make use of existing text without citing the original author.