Chairman's Message

Post Corona impact on higher education along with the implementation of New Education Policy has created a state of confusion to the parents and students in exploring the most suitable pathway for their young kids to hunt their excellent future.
After introducing the NEP our education pattern is at par with the global standard.This will help our students to utilise their skill and talent all over the world.To achieve this goal our attention is to be focussed on PARAKH i.e., Performance Assessment Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic development.
The Maharaja Ranjit Singh College of Professional Sciences is having an expert team of Educationalist,Teachers and internationally recognised researchers.It is only this highly trained education technology experts who can ensure the bright future of our students.
I feel proud to proclaim that our college is well equipped and fully prepared to achieve this target.Boundaries of Arts, Science, Commerce and professional courses are now flexible.Future of our students will depend on their skill and talent development to enable them well acquainted with Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial intelligence (AI) along-with many more high-tech applications of "web 3" in the various fields of day to day life and socio-economic environment.
Principal's Message

He has 21 years of teaching and research experience in the field of Biotechnology, having several National and International research publications. He is actively engaged in research in the field of Enzyme Biotechnology and Microbiology. He is also a registered Ph.D. guide in Devi Ahilya University with students working with him.
"Wisdom comes with years, but even knowledge comes bit by bit through laborious search and after many a weary step. It does not come of itself; we must still be seeking." - Amarnath Jha
Youth is a period full of energy, ideas and vision, a phase of life where one is keen to change the whole world as per his desire, full of enthusiasm he acquires the right knowledge and puts it to practice toiling hard to achieve his cherished goals in life. Success comes but with lots of hard work the right knowledge and truthful wisdom. Learning and being wise is a matter of years and ears.
MRSC now has been working for its students for over 18 years. The path traced by the institute and its alumni has traveled continents. Students have excelled in their chosen fields by serving the society in India, European countries and American states.
Academic achievements of our students and teachers have been noteworthy. Faculties have been involved in Book writing, writing of case studies, research projects, paper presentation, guiding students for Ph.D., attending conferences, delivering expert lectures etc. Students have bagged numerous positions in DAVV, Indore merits almost regularly since past 18 years and also MCA students have bagged merits in RGPV, Bhopal. Students have regularly scored high in debates, drama, art and sports events representing the college and university at State and National Level. Summer trainings, Industrial Interaction in induction programmes, participation in scientific conferences have also added great value in the education of our students.
MRSC provides a rich academic environment with updated libraries modern laboratories, latest teaching methods, rigorous training, educational tours, counseling and guidance to build a strong and truthful character.
Let us work together to build a better future for all of us.
"Life is real, life is earnest, and grave is not its goal. Dust thou art, to dust returnest, was not written of thy soul. Let us then, be up and doing, with a heart for any fate; still achieving still persuing, Learn to labour and to wait." - H.W. Longfellow
Director's Message

"The heights by great men reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companion slept, Were toiling upward in the night." -H.W. Longfellow
Happiness, success, honor and good name, all depend upon the way in which one live now. This wonderful period of the first state of life is related as the soft wet clay in the hands of the potter. Skillfully the potter gives it the right and correct shapes and forms, which he intends to give. Even so, one can wisely mould his life, character, physical health and strength, in short entire nature in the way one make up his mind to do.
If you keep waiting for just the right time, you may never begin. Don't delay. Begin where you are, with what you are. Maharaja Ranjit Singh College of professional sciences is the platform to groom the youth, the power of nation with all-round personality development. The faculty playing the role of potter is continuously equipped in acquiring the newer thoughts, vision and new vistas to the knowledge. The teaching pedagogy is activity based learning providing practical exposure to the youth. Here, you acquire knowledge of not only subjects like Management, Finance, Marketing etc., but also about human nature, correct Vyavahara, science of Self- control, art of developing pure mind, the duties of man and the proper relationship between you, your family, your society and the world.
The shaping of your life is indeed in your own hands. The essence of true success is what you make of yourself. It is the conduct of life that you develop, it is the character that you cultivate and it is the type of person you become. Your success is not measured in terms of what all you obtained but in term of what you become, how you live and what actions you do.
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."